Thursday, December 11, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Thankful Thursday
Christian One Liners
Don't let your worries get theBest of you; remember, Moses startedOut as a basket case.
Some people are kind, polite, and Sweet-spirited until you try to sit in their pews.
Many folks want to serve God,But only as advisors.
It is easier to preach ten sermons Than it is to live one.
The good Lord didn't create anything Without a purpose, but mosquitoes come close.
When you get to your wit's end, You'll find God lives there.
People are funny; they want the front Of the bus, the middle of the road, and The back of the church.
Opportunity may knock once, but temptation Bangs on your front door forever.
Quit griping about your church; If it was perfect, you couldn't belong.
If the church wants a better preacher, It only needs to pray for the one it has.
God Himself does not propose to judge A man until he is dead. So why should you?
Some minds are like concrete Thoroughly mixed up and permanently set.
Peace starts with a smile.
I don't know why some people Change churches; what difference does It make which one you stay home from?
A lot of church members who are singing 'Standing on the Promises' Are just sitting on the premises.
We were called to be witnesses, Not lawyers or judges.
Be ye fishers of men. You catch Them - He'll clean them.
Coincidence is when God Chooses to remain anonymous.
Don't put a question mark Where God put a period.
Don't wait for 6 strong men To take you to church.
Forbidden fruits create many jams.
God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called.
God grades on the cross, not the curve.
God loves everyone, but probably prefers 'fruit of the spirit' over a 'religious nut!'
God promises a safe landing, Not a calm passage.
He who angers you, controls you!
If God is your Co-pilot - swap seats!
Prayer: Don't give God instructions -- just report for duty!
The task ahead of us is never as Great as the Power behind us.
The Will of God never takes you to Where the Grace of God will not protect you.
We don't change the message, The message changes us.
You can tell how big a person is By what it takes to discourage him.
The best mathematical equation I have ever seen: 1 cross + 3 nails = 4 given.
If this e-mail blessed you in a profound Way today my Dear Friend, PLEASE pass This along to bless them today, Tomorrow and ALWAYS! May God and His Son bless you From today on out! I bet someone will LOVE it Just as much as you did.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Topic Tuesday 12-2-08
- while doing dishes
- while sewing
- while driving (you don't have to have your eyes closed)
- while laying down in bed
- at dinner
- while vacumming
- while emailing (some emails recieved require immediate prayer)
- while walking - anywhere, nature trail or through walmart
- when you put your kids to bed
- when your taking out the trash
- when you get rained on and completely soaked
- when your scared
- when your happy
So you see before you know it you'll be talking to God all day long - it will become as natural to you as breathing.
The defination of PRAYER is this:
1.a devout petition to God or an object of worship.
2.a spiritual communion with God or an object of worship, as in supplication, thanksgiving, adoration, or confession.
3.the act or practice of praying to God or an object of worship.
4.a formula or sequence of words used in or appointed for praying: the Lord's Prayer.
5.prayers, a religious observance, either public or private, consisting wholly or mainly of prayer.
6.that which is prayed for.
7.a petition; entreaty.
8.the section of a bill in equity, or of a petition, that sets forth the complaint or the action desired.
9.a negligible hope or chance: Do you think he has a prayer of getting that job?
A reverent petition made to God, a god, or another object of worship.
The act of making a reverent petition to God, a god, or another object of worship.
A fervent request: Her prayer for rain was granted at last.
The thing requested: His safe arrival was their only prayer.
The request of a complainant, as stated in a complaint or in equity, that the court grant the aid or relief solicited.
The section of the complaint or bill that contains this request.
An act of communion with God, a god, or another object of worship, such as in devotion, confession, praise, or thanksgiving: One evening a week, the family would join together in prayer.
A specially worded form used to address God, a god, or another object of worship.
prayers A religious observance in which praying predominates: morning prayers.
A fervent request: Her prayer for rain was granted at last.
The thing requested: His safe arrival was their only prayer.
The request of a complainant, as stated in a complaint or in equity, that the court grant the aid or relief solicited.
The section of the complaint or bill that contains this request.
The slightest chance or hope: In a storm the mountain climbers won't have a prayer.
The request of a complainant, as stated in a complaint or in equity, that the court grant the aid or relief solicited.
The section of the complaint or bill that contains this request.
1. the act of communicating with a deity (especially as a petition or in adoration or contrition or thanksgiving); "the priest sank to his knees in prayer"
2. reverent petition to a deity
3. earnest or urgent request; "an entreaty to stop the fighting"; "an appeal for help"; "an appeal to the public to keep calm"
4. a fixed text used in praying
5. someone who prays to God
1. The act of praying, or of asking a favor; earnest request or entreaty; hence, a petition or memorial addressed to a court or a legislative body. "Their meek preyere." --Chaucer
2. The act of addressing supplication to a divinity, especially to the true God; the offering of adoration, confession, supplication, and thanksgiving to the Supreme Being; as, public prayer; secret prayer.
As he is famed for mildness, peace, and prayer. --Shak.
3. The form of words used in praying; a formula of supplication; an expressed petition; especially, a supplication addressed to God; as, a written or extemporaneous prayer; to repeat one's prayers.
He made those excellent prayers which were published immediately after his death. --Bp. Fell.
Prayer book, a book containing devotional prayers.
Prayer meeting, a meeting or gathering for prayer to God.
PRAYER - is converse with God; the intercourse of the soul with God, not in contemplation or meditation, but in direct address to him. Prayer may be oral or mental, occasional or constant, ejaculatory or formal. It is a "beseeching the Lord" (Ex. 32:11); "pouring out the soul before the Lord" (1 Sam. 1:15); "praying and crying to heaven" (2 Chr. 32:20); "seeking unto God and making supplication" (Job 8:5); "drawing near to God" (Ps. 73:28); "bowing the knees" (Eph. 3:14). Prayer presupposes a belief in the personality of God, his ability and willingness to hold intercourse with us, his personal control of all things and of all his creatures and all their actions. Acceptable prayer must be sincere (Heb. 10:22), offered with reverence and godly fear, with a humble sense of our own insignificance as creatures and of our own unworthiness as sinners, with earnest importunity, and with unhesitating submission to the divine will. Prayer must also be offered in the faith that God is, and is the hearer and answerer of prayer, and that he will fulfil his word, "Ask, and ye shall receive" (Matt. 7:7, 8; 21:22; Mark 11:24; John 14:13, 14), and in the name of Christ (16:23, 24; 15:16; Eph. 2:18; 5:20; Col. 3:17; 1 Pet. 2:5). Prayer is of different kinds, secret (Matt. 6:6); social, as family prayers, and in social worship; and public, in the service of the sanctuary. Intercessory prayer is enjoined (Num. 6:23; Job 42:8; Isa. 62:6; Ps. 122:6; 1 Tim. 2:1; James 5:14), and there are many instances on record of answers having been given to such prayers, e.g., of Abraham (Gen. 17:18, 20; 18:23-32; 20:7, 17, 18), of Moses for Pharaoh (Ex. 8:12, 13, 30, 31; Ex. 9:33), for the Israelites (Ex. 17:11, 13; 32:11-14, 31-34; Num. 21:7, 8; Deut. 9:18, 19, 25), for Miriam (Num. 12:13), for Aaron (Deut. 9:20), of Samuel (1 Sam. 7:5-12), of Solomon (1 Kings 8; 2 Chr. 6), Elijah (1 Kings 17:20-23), Elisha (2 Kings 4:33-36), Isaiah (2 Kings 19), Jeremiah (42:2-10), Peter (Acts 9:40), the church (12:5-12), Paul (28:8). No rules are anywhere in Scripture laid down for the manner of prayer or the attitude to be assumed by the suppliant. There is mention made of kneeling in prayer (1 Kings 8:54; 2 Chr. 6:13; Ps. 95:6; Isa. 45:23; Luke 22:41; Acts 7:60; 9:40; Eph. 3:14, etc.); of bowing and falling prostrate (Gen. 24:26, 52; Ex. 4:31; 12:27; Matt. 26:39; Mark 14:35, etc.); of spreading out the hands (1 Kings 8:22, 38, 54; Ps. 28:2; 63:4; 88:9; 1 Tim. 2:8, etc.); and of standing (1 Sam. 1:26; 1 Kings 8:14, 55; 2 Chr. 20:9; Mark 11:25; Luke 18:11, 13). If we except the "Lord's Prayer" (Matt. 6:9-13), which is, however, rather a model or pattern of prayer than a set prayer to be offered up, we have no special form of prayer for general use given us in Scripture. Prayer is frequently enjoined in Scripture (Ex. 22:23, 27; 1 Kings 3:5; 2 Chr. 7:14; Ps. 37:4; Isa. 55:6; Joel 2:32; Ezek. 36:37, etc.), and we have very many testimonies that it has been answered (Ps. 3:4; 4:1; 6:8; 18:6; 28:6; 30:2; 34:4; 118:5; James 5:16-18, etc.). "Abraham's servant prayed to God, and God directed him to the person who should be wife to his master's son and heir (Gen. 24:10-20). "Jacob prayed to God, and God inclined the heart of his irritated brother, so that they met in peace and friendship (Gen. 32:24-30; 33:1-4). "Samson prayed to God, and God showed him a well where he quenched his burning thirst, and so lived to judge Israel (Judg. 15:18-20). "David prayed, and God defeated the counsel of Ahithophel (2 Sam. 15:31; 16:20-23; 17:14-23). "Daniel prayed, and God enabled him both to tell Nebuchadnezzar his dream and to give the interpretation of it (Dan. 2: 16-23). "Nehemiah prayed, and God inclined the heart of the king of Persia to grant him leave of absence to visit and rebuild Jerusalem (Neh. 1:11; 2:1-6). "Esther and Mordecai prayed, and God defeated the purpose of Haman, and saved the Jews from destruction (Esther 4:15-17; 6:7, 8). "The believers in Jerusalem prayed, and God opened the prison doors and set Peter at liberty, when Herod had resolved upon his death (Acts 12:1-12). "Paul prayed that the thorn in the flesh might be removed, and his prayer brought a large increase of spiritual strength, while the thorn perhaps remained (2 Cor. 12:7-10). "Prayer is like the dove that Noah sent forth, which blessed him not only when it returned with an olive-leaf in its mouth, but when it never returned at all.", Robinson's Job.
How do you prayer?
How often?
Do you struggle with prayer?
Praying for you today,
Mom & Me
Monday, December 1, 2008
Musical Moday 12-1-08
I will Testify to love: Just an all around good song
Lifehouse Drama:
I first saw this when a Mom from the Mom2Mom Ministry emailed it to me. Later serving with the youth I witnessed our youth perform it, the video is powerful, but seeing it live will bring you to your knees and tears to your eyes! Especially if you witness YOUTH doing it.
I Don't Wanna Go: This song is near and dear to me as I started hearing it over and over and over prior to my move to England. I loved Ohio, I loved my Church, my friends, and it wasn't easy leaving. It was the one place I had a hard time walking away from. I learned so much there, I grew in ways unimaginable to me, and I became so much closer to God. I feared leaving, I feared not finding a Church, not having friends, and most of all I feared falling into failure. Then I started hearing this song and I realized God is everywhere, all the time, and so I could go to England knowing God was and is with me. I began to not fear but to look forward to the move, to the new adventure, to the things I am going to get to see, and before time to leave I was ready. I was ready to go...God had helped me, he had prepaired me for this, and I was able to do it peacefully, and excitedly. God ironed out all the wrinkles. I don't have a Church yet, and I'm curious as to God's plan for me here as so few of this country attend Church - the Churches with open doors are few. However, I do not doubt that there is a reason that God has me here and I look forward to that. I do have a few friends, and I am content. I am actually at more peace right than I have been in my whole life and I have God to thank for that.
God is in Control: Let's face it, like it or not, no matter how much you or I think it, we are not the ones in Control. We like to think we are, oh I know, but we're just fooling ourselves, because ultimately God is the one in Control
All the songs listed today are Avalon, excluding the Lifehouse Drama. I really like Avalon, they're a good group. I've been listening to their cd.
So come on tell us of a good song, new or old that you like, that speaks to you, touches you. There are so many different artists and songs out there - we might be missing out on a really good song, so please come and share.
May God Bless you today.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Feature Friday
My landlord James, lent me this book to read. We'd been talking about Christian books and other things and he told me a friend of his wrote a very good book and I should read it.
So last night I started it, it's a little harder to read as some of the British words differ from the American words. However, I am intreguied by it and was startled by some of the statistics listed. Did you know this:
- From 1979-1989, attendance in churches of all denominations within the UK dropped by 13%.
- The following decaded it dropped even more, 22%!
- The amount of people who believe in a God, dropped from 43% in the 1950s to 31% in the 1990's.
- Britons espousing atheism rocketed from 2% to 27%!
- And the headline of the London Daily read "CHURCH DEAD AND BURIED BY 2040"
The author writes this in his book and now I can see why all these big beautiful Churches are sitting empty! Our Landlord had said less that 10% of the country goes to! So right. Some Radical Christians really need to step up to the plate out here and get these Church doors open.
The author also wrote a poem that really hit me as I read it, I want you to read it. I hope it's okay that I post it, I am giving him the credit, I did not write this.
Harken, O ye peoples.
Hear the word of the Lord.
Woe to faith, and woe to the people of faith.
Faith has fled into the bathroom,
embarrassed herself and hiddne herself away.
She stares at herself in the mirror,
too shy to show her face,
Through her tears she repairs her face in vain.
What can restore her beauty?
How can she hold her head up high in the house where she was once its head?
No one comforts her.
No one misses her.
She is forgotten
and has forgotten her own name.
Woe to faith and woe to the people of faith.
How sad is that?! Oh, it just squeezes my heart in a painful way. How often do we forget about Faith, the faith we say we have? How often do we just step out on a leap of faith? Not often, cause we've forgotten the faith we so claim to have. There are many Churches in England, many big and beautiful Churches, with their doors closed, not enough attendees to keep her open, to restore her.
This weeks topic has been about DISCOURAGEMENT and it is so easy to get discouraged when life is rough, things get us down, and even easier when we've completely forgotten our Faith. Today, I want to challenge you as a Radical Christian, to remind Faith of her name, and tell someone, anyone, that God loves them, don't run and hide in the bathroom.
I just can not imagine life without God, or a Church in which to learn and have Christians we need to step up to the plate and hit some home runs for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It's the least we can do, for the man who carried the cross & died just for us.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Thankful Thursday
Today is Thankful Thursday. But not just any thankful thursday it is the day america as a country celebrates all the wonderful things that God has done for them.
Today there may be some who are saying, "What do I have to be thankful for my life is a wreck and I don't think I can handle it if it gets any worse." Maybe you are wondering how you are going to handle things now. Maybe your family is at odds with one another, maybe you spouse just walked out on you, maybe you lost a loved to a accident or sickness unexpectedly. There could be a million things that people are facing today that could cause them to be a little bitter about life and maybe even have them saying things like, "I have nothing to be thankful for, I don't feel like celebrating thanks giving my life is a mess and I can't find anything to be thankful for." Well I understand that feeling really well today. One day I was in a marrage that I thought I would be in till forever. There was nothing (so I thought) that I would not be willing to workout with my husband if I had to. I could not picture my life without him in it and even though we had some tough times and we always seemed to prevail and then we were better than before the tough time. But then, a little over a week ago I witnessed something that took my breath away and I suddenly had to get out of the house so I could breathe. My brain was screaming. "NO! This can't be! There has to be a mistake! I saw wrong, I heard wrong! But I knew I hadn't. I was so close I could have reached out and touched him. There was no mistaking what I saw and heard. In my opinion it has got to be real close to the number one thing (if not number 1) that someone could do that could destroy an entire family. It was disgusting and sick and my daughter and I have got to find a way to get past it and get on with our lives. So you see within a matter of 3 minutes my entire life changed and I was left with a broken heart, broken soul and a hurting teenage daughter. It is not just the two of us that are hurt and dissallusioned by this, my adult children are having a hard time with this also, my parents and siblings all loved him. He was our family. Holly, my 22 year old and her husband came and moved me out and I am so thankful for them they were such a life savor. But then afterwards She went back over to the house to get little Hailie's things out of the back yard and she called me and it sounded like she had been crying and she says, "Mom, I walked into the backyard and I guess it hadn't hit me how much stuff youguys had for her back there but I was suddenly struck with such a heavy saddness, that house, that backyard, Tim it has all been such a big part of our lives I just can't believe it is over. Why did he have to be that way and do and say those things? My already broken heart just broke into a few more peaces listening to her pain that day. He was loved and respected by us all. He was the head of our family and he always took care of all of us. Little Hailie wants her pawpaw. She is so confused, she wants to know why nana dosen't have a backyard anymore. Everyday I face heartwrenching situations because of this. So I understand the feeling of what do I have to be thankful for? I have to make it on my own now and I am scared. I am going to have to work 2 or 3 double shifts a week just for us to be ok. I have to be sure I keep Cayenne at the top of my priority list and make sure I know what is going on with her. She is a beautiful teenage girl and I love her dearly and I have be so upset with her because of all the things she had been doing and all the acting out. But now that my eyes were opened to the truth of things it is all starting to make sense to me. Kids act out when they are trying to tell you something that is horrible. They try to get your attention on them and off whatever your attention is on so that maybe they can make you see them and their pain. My attention was on my husband, he was a full time job in himself and so he seemed to monopolize most of my attention and I thought Cayenne was just trying to be some kind of wild unruley kid. But now I have also seen how broken her heart truely is and once again when I look at that my already broken heart it breaks into a million more peaces. We are a family stuggling to deal with a very sick and ugly situation and it is hard to find the good things in our family right now.
But I have been giving this Thanksgiving thing some thought, and to my total amazment and I'm finding myself looking forward to today. Cayenne and I are going up to the nursing home my parents are in and we are taking Thanksgiving dinner to them and my son is going to meet us there and we are going to have thanksgiving in there room there at the nursing home. Then afterwards we are going to go on up to Kansas City and spend a few hours with my sister and we are planning to have a wonderful thanksgiving and spend time with some family. I have so much to be thankful for. God loves me! What has happened in my family is not to be blamed on God. I believe there has been a war going on inside of Tim between good and evil for quiet sometime now and I guess this time he chose the evil one. God gives us free will and he doesn't make our choices for us so when things go bad maybe we made some wrong choices, but we can't blame God. Anyway back to what I have to be thankful for. I have 4 beautiful children and they are all healthy and I will be spending today with two of them. I have 7 grandchildren and they are all healthy happy kids. They are so precious and I have an overflowing amont of love for all of them. I still have my parents and my siblings, I have neices and newphews, I have a church family who cares about us, I have a good steady job, I have friends, I have a roof over my head and a car to drive. If I tried to name everything that I have to be thankful for I would most likely be right here typing this blog this time next week. But that is an example of the things that are dear to my heart and important to my survival. I believe God is looking out for me and Cayenne. I haven't been to good with my prayers this past week, I have had to move and get so many things changed and it just seems like it was an impossible neverending task to just start over from scratch. I haven't been able to sleep well, my brain just won't shut down, But I slept a little tonight. I know it is 3am but I went to bed like at 7:30pm and I went right to sleep and I woke up about an hour ago and let scooter out and was going to go back to bed and decided to talk about being thankful. But I know that Tonya has been praying for us and if I know her she most likely has a whole line of people praying for us all the way from England to America.
I just think that today we should all take time to really reflect on our lives and see what is there and if we do that I think we will be surprised at how many things we realize we have in our lives like people we love and things we need etc..... that we have to be thankful for.
Lets think about this: We have life, oxygen, food, water, the abilitiy to read this blog or whatever else you want to read. God has created a beautiful world full of everything we need, air, water, beauty, amazing sunsets, millions of varieties of foods. He has giving you preciouse gifts, like your family, he made you what makes you, you. Maybe you have a great sense of humor, or a beautiful voice for singing, or maybe you can play a musical instrument, maybe you are a good leader. What are your gifts we all have them, sometimes we think we don't but everyone of us has a gift of somekind that God gave us. The Bible itself is a very special love gift from God. The Old Testament is full of stories of long sufferings and life lessons that set the scene for his son Jesus's trip to earth and humanity.
The book of psalm give many examples of praise and many good reasons to be thankful.
Give praise in all circumstances? Even in the midst of the pain and dissallusions that my family and my heart is going through right now praise is appropriate because God is keeping track of our enemies while we sleep.
Give praise in the dark times? Even in darkness God's beautiful light dawns.
Thank him for family? God will meet your needs and watch over you.
Even God's commands are to be counted as gifts because they bring us life.
Scripture doesn't promise believers a life without trials and problems, but it does promise a life of purpose. I promises that if we love and trust God we are secure. Things happen, "the old saying bad things happen to good people." Yes they do, But even though God never promised us a life without problems or heartaches he promises that if we trust him and keep our focus on him that he will bring us through it. This is a lesson I really need to work on. To many times I think, "its ok God, I got this one." WRONG! I always make a big mess of it. Everytime I took my eyes off of God and went it on my own I sunk just like peter did when he walked on water as long as he didn't look down and continued to look at Jesus he did but the minute he got distracted and looked away from Jesus he began to sink but then what did Jesus do? Peter cried out Jesus help me and there he was reaching down his hand to pull Peter out of the water. Praise God for his faithfullness. No matter that you may be sinking, stop trying to save yourself and just cry out to God for help and I think you will be shocked at how help shows up. Just give it a try. You do have to be sincere and you have to be willing to do what is necessary and sometimes that alone is hard because we think this doesn't make sense but we all have those little gut instints that tell us what to do and a lot of times (most of the time) we try to make it make sense and so since it doesn't we think we are reading it wrong. But it has been my experience (especially what is going on in my life right now) that make sense or not you had better pay attention to it because that little voice in there is God trying to lead you and in proverbs 3:5-6 it tells us to trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not on you own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight. So you see maybe it doesn't make sense to us right then but we don't have to understand and maybe if we were to just follow his lead understanding would come, it usually comes anyway but maybe it would come without quiet so much heartache.
We often think of thankfullness in terms of gain. We say thank you to someone who has done a nice thing for us. or we are thankfull that our boss finally noticed us at work and gave us the recognition we deserved. You know stuff like that.
But it is mind boggling when we see people overcome with an attitude of thanksgiving during heartwrenching circumstances. Such as a seriously ill child, a natural disaster destruction, a deadly accident. Somehow families survive these things and some families do it with a lot more grace than others. But those who keep their focus on God during such times come out stronger and more at peace and can go on with there life without it being crippled by bitterness and regrets.
I challange you today to count your blessings. Once you start, my guess is that like me you will find them countless there will be just to many. Life may have thrown you a curve ball and maybe it knocked you off your course and now you are trying to figure out how to pick up the pieces and what pieces to even pick up and move on. It is hard. I know. But I will survive, I am determined to survive. But I will do it with God holding my hand and leading me through. I can't do anything right on my own and I need him and his leadership in my life.
Everything about God is worthy of praise. Do not let anyone or anything rob you of your thankful heart on this Thanksgiving day.
Lets sing with David: Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; Let them say among the nations, "The Lord reigns!" 1 Chronicles 16:31
Be Thankful and Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Topic Tuesday 11-25-08
The topic for this week, in which we will pray over on Wordless Wednesday and through out the week and possibly discuss is:
Strange topic? Well, it currently fits a lot of things, in the lives of my family, friends, and those who are without work. I happened upon this topic only this morning. I received a message on Facebook that said:
1. Grab the NEAREST book to you.
2. Go to page 56.
3. Find the 5th sentence and post it along with these instructions.
The 5th sentence on day 56 of my devotional (which thank God happened to be nearest to me) read:
"If you become discouraged with the direction of your day or life, turn your thoughts and prayers to God." A Woman's Garden of Faith, Hope, & Love.
How many of us do that? How many of us in our discouragement, turn to God. How many of us try to fix it ourselves, dig ourselves out of the pit alone? How many of us blame it on other people or even ourselves? When you are discouraged what is the first thing you want to do? Get mad? Curl up in a ball in bed and stay there all day? Eat?
When is it we finally turn to God? Most generally it's a "last resort" instead of the "first" the way it should be. When we have tried every possible thing to get out of the pit, to rid ourselves of what is bringing us down and discouraging is then that we finally say "Okay God, I give me."
And what does he do? Does he get mad at us for being stubborn and putting him last? No, he just continually loves and forgives us. He doesn't rid us of our discontent immediately, he doesn't have a magic wand to wave and make it all better. It takes time, it's a process, and it includes learning and healing. And he will walk us through that process if we allow him. He does have to discipline us sometimes - what parent does not have to do that? Can you name one? I didn't think so.
2 Quotes were also included in my devotional that read:
"All discouragement is of the devil" Hanna Whithall Smith
Wow! Here we are so discouraged and it's the devil and he is having a blast because guess what? He knows that you won't call on God until it is your last resort, so he is going to make a big ole mess in your thoughts and your life until then. He is gonna dig in his heels and it's gonna take the mighty power of God to remove him. So why not just call on God first? What's it gonna hurt? What are you afraid of?
I had the privilege to hear the testimony of a dear friend of mine, Shelley, while serving on the Mom2Mom Ministry in Ohio and she talked about Depression. I think Discouragement & Depression go hand in hand. One thing I remember the most from her testimony was that she came to a breaking point, where she knew that the devil was controlling things, and that she just shouted at the top of her lungs, "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ, whose blood was shed for me!" Those words have so much power, that it gives me chills, how bout you?
Say it, Say "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ, whose blood was shed for me!"
Did you say it? How did it feel? Okay, now I want you, yell it, yell "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ, whose blood was shed for me!"
Feeling better? Okay one more thing, now I want you to put all your heart in it, all your soul, all you feel, I want you to stand up, stomp your feet, and when you say "Jesus Christ" lift your hands and eyes to heaven, ready? Okay here we go, on your feet, at the top of your lungs, with everything you have in you, all your heart, all your soul, all your passions, and in a 100% convinced and believing (in God's love and promise for you) voice, and yell.....................
How do you feel now? Do you feel a weight lifted? Do you feel progress even if only the size of a mustard seed? I pray you do, because it is there. There is power in those words, there is power in the blood of Christ, and he shed that blood for us...Dear God may we never forget that!
I read a post on the M2M yahoo group the other day from the coordinator and another dear friend Sarah and she reminded us to never forget, this is what she said:
"Let's talk about feeling appreciated........Webster defines it as:
1 a: to grasp the nature, worth, quality, or significance of
Just something to all of the moms (and anyone walking the planet) feeling unappreciated....I can relate. For YEARS I have dealt with this and at times, I can let my mind go there (I'm capable of going there five minutes from now)....then I need to choose to look up and remember that all of us, probably more times not then, unappreciated what Jesus Christ did for us.
I don't deserve his love, I don't deserve his forgiveness and I certainly am not worthy of his time, (and I mean all of this in the literal sense...I AM NOT WORTHY, I AM A DYING BLADE OF GRASS IN ETERNITY) but being humbled by what he has done has changed my view on life.
Please understand that I'm not trying to be harsh; but I'm trying to help you through this. This was a light bulb moment for me. Next time you feel unappreciated, please remember what Jesus Christ did and thank him. Then you, too, will feel appreciated because he died for what you are doing. Someone has already died for you and your purpose. Someone does appreciate you.
Let's look back up at def. b. This tells me that my Savior ''values and admires highly'' of me. This also tells me that even if not one person in this world values my work, my Lord and Savior does and that means more to me then what any of my friends or family says. Even more then my husband. God first, husband second, children third. A Man that I am not worthy to have a connection with ''values'' me. Seems odd that Jesus would judge me worthy when I've done nothing to deserve this, so this is why we strive to please Him daily, and not to please not man.
Pray about this. Please, please, please...I don't want any of you in the Pit where you allow Satan to wrestle with you. He's waiting PATIENTLY for you to come and play."
Thank you Sarah for a wonderful worded reminder of Jesus Christ love for us. As Sarah said, "He is waiting PATIENTLY for you to come and play." When you are in the pit, when you are discouraged, or down then you have become the devils playground. You mind and life become one mess after another. The other quote in my devotional for today read:
"When we yield to discouragement, it is usually because we give to much thought to the past or to the future." St. Therese of Lisieux
So you see, it's our stinkin' thinkin' that gets us into trouble. I'm a visual type person and the picture I see in my mind is that of a country road (dirt/gravel) after a hard rain, a lot of the gravel has washed away, and all that's left is alot of mud or muck - that's what our minds, our brains become when we allow the depression & discouragement to overcome us and when we allow the devil to dance in the mud puddles, and sling dirt in every direction of our lives.
It says in Lamentations 3:15-17
15 He has filled me with bitter herbs and sated me with gall.
16 He has broken my teeth with gravel; he has trampled me in the dust.
17 I have been deprived of peace; I have forgotten what prosperity is.
Sated: to fill to excess
Gall: bitterness of spirit
Peace: freedom of the mind from annoyance, distraction, anxiety, an obsession
Prosperity: a successful, flourishing, or thriving condition
This is what the devil does to us when we allow him in, when we seek God last instead of first, when we allow our stinkin' thinkin' to bring us down, discouraged, and depressed. He robs us of all God can give us, all God has given us, and all God desires to give us.
Back to my picture, what happens to the road after the gravel is gone, the rains have stopped, and sun is high and bright? It dries, and it becomes smooth and soft - so much so that you could run across it in your bare feet! It's a good feeling isn't it? The soft, smooth, and cool soil beneath your feet? Wouldn't you like for your thoughts & your life to be like that? Smooth and soft? Peaceful?
Then I've got one more thing I want you to do today. I want you to let it RAIN, let it all out, let it all rain down and wash away the depression, the discouragement...just let it rain down! And remember to thank the one, the only one, who can deliver you from the holds of evil, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
Dear Father,
I pray today that you will bring rain upon every person who reads this post, wash away their depression, their discouragement, and deliver them from the pit that they are in. Rain on them, the way the rain this morning fell from the sky and drenched me soaking wet, send them a hard and heavy rain and just wash away all their hurts & pain. I ask you Father today to bring them peace. Thank you, Jesus for loving us unconditionally.
If you have read today's post, please leave me a comment so that I might visit your blog. I hope today's post has spoken to you and I hope to hear that some of you experience rain, mud, and finally peace!
P.S. I will be posting until Mom is up on her feet again - please continue to pray for her. Thank you.
Monday, November 24, 2008
A Heavy Heart
I write to you today with no song in my heart or mind as my heart is heavy with the pain and hurt my Mom & youngest sister are going through. My Mom recently posted a very heartfelt post, only to now feel like a hypocrite as her marriage that she has fought so hard for has become unsafe. I can assure you that my Mom is not a hypocrite and I have watched her fight tooth & nail for her marriage. She has had so much faith in it, even during it's most difficult times. She is not sure what she is supposed to do, what God wants her to do. She is having a hard time seeing, feeling, or hearing God. She is having a hard time trusting herself and says that her body does not function properly. She just lays awake exhausted but her brain will not shut off. She & Cayenne are both in desperate need of prayer. They could use as much encouragement and prayer as possible. I wish I could go into the details with you, but I can not. The best way to say it, is "it was no longer safe". I've been thinking all morning of a song that might fit and I might have finally found one,
I thank you for praying.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Topic Tuesday - Marriage
The topic We've chosen for this week is MARRIAGE. Last week we prayed for our VETERANS and ended the week by discussing Fireproof and marriages.
I did read the book FIREPROOF over the weekend, actually I read the whole thing Friday evening! It was a very good book, it has humor, it has real life stuff, and it has moving moments. My good friend Amber said she cried like a baby when she read it. Now, no I didn't cry, but yes it did hit home with me. It made me want to say, "who had a window into my marriage and wrote the story". I think almost every marriage could relate to this book in some way. If you've not seen the movie yet, why not pick up the book and give it a go. Be sure to let us know what you think of it.
So this week we are going to pray for our MARRIAGES, marriages of friends, family, of our presdient, newly weds, and any other marriages we can think of. This past week Amber also sent us the following email, perhaps it's something you might like to subscribe to.
Check it out:
Whether your marriage needs to desperately get back on track, it's got a bad case of the "blahs", or you just need to "kick it up a notch"...there is something here for everyone.
Some of these tips may be new to you, but some may not come as a huge revelation. Sometimes though, people need to be reminded of things that they already "know" so that they can put them back into practice.
I'm reminded of an example of that in my own life. For about 10 years, I was in corporate software sales. I did pretty well, but there would be times when my sales would begin to decline.
Thankfully about that time, someone would put on some sort of sales training, which would remind me of some of the basic things that I should be doing, but had slacked off on. As I reintroduced them into my routine, my sales would begin to pick back up.
The same is true in marriage...and every other area of life for that matter.
These tips aren't a "magic cure" for your marriage, but they will definitely get you started with some actions to begin steering it in the right direction.
Because there is a lot more to attaining success than just actions, it's best if you use these tips in conjunction with the full "7 Keys to Unlocking Success in Your Marriage" system.
Otherwise, it would be kind of like saying that you want to make $10,000 from Microsoft stock, but only buying one share and selling it within a month.
You can't expect a huge return with a small investment. The bigger your investment, the bigger your return.
Over the next few weeks, we'll go through 5 simple ways to invest into your marriage. You'll receive an email lesson every 4 days with a new tip, so that you have time to implement that one thing into your marriage before moving on to the next one.
I see that you are ready to make an investment into your marriage, so let's get rolling. ______________________________________________________________
5 Simple Ways to Invest into Your Marriage for Maximum Returns eCourse
By David Peairs Author, "7 Keys to Unlocking Success in Your Marriage" ______________________________________________________________
Part 1: Two have become actually spend time together.
(Next time in Part 2, you'll learn how to build a proper foundation, so your marriage stands strong through the storms. Now back to today's lesson.)
"But at the beginning of creation God 'made them male and female.'
'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.' So they are no longer two, but one." Mark 10:6-8 (NIV)
I know, this sounds so elementary. But you wouldn't believe the couples who spend less time with their spouses than they do with other people.
And no, you can't count spending time sleeping in the same bed as spending time together. I'm talking about quality time...when hopefully you are actually enjoying each other's company.
There are many husbands that spend more time than they should at work. Because they come home so late, they miss dinner with their family. Then when the weekend comes, they claim that's their time. So they golf all day with friends, instead of spending it with their spouse and family.
Now ladies, I can't let you off the hook. Many wives, when the husbands get home after work, may throw the kids at them and take off to the mall or a movie with friends.
Or maybe there are so many scheduled activities, like multiple sports for each child or church activities, that keep husband and wife so busy running to and from that they don't have time for each other.
Then there are the couples that are in the same house, but they spend time doing their own thing. The wife is reading while the husband is on the computer. They are living as roommates.
Remember those days of yore, before you got married...when you actually dated?
During that time you got to know each other by spending time with one another and actually having a conversation. If someone had asked, you could have probably recited your loved one's favorite food, color, TV show, book, or sports team. You may even have known their aspirations for the future and what they really wanted out of life.
Do you still know what those things are?
I know, I know...things change and life gets more complicated. But I think we tend to make it a lot more complicated than it needs to be.
Slow down and take some time to get to know that person you're married to.
Here are a couple of simple ways to reengage with your begin to spend some time together and get to know each other better.
1) Conversation time.
Conversation time? What are you talking about, we talk all the time.
What I'm talking about is a specific time each day to sit down and have a conversation.
After getting home from work each day, sit down on the couch, actually look at each other (don't glare at each other, but make eye contact) and just talk about "stuff".
Simply do this for 15 minutes each day.
What in the world do we talk about?
Talk about each of your days, what you did at your job or at home. Talk about what each of you have planned for the next day. Talk about that next vacation you're planning or what you could do together the next weekend.
If there is a lull, ask questions of your spouse. Pretend you've just met your favorite movie star and you want to know all about them.
But please, don't nag or complain about your spouse. This isn't the time for that.
Now this is important - listen when your spouse is talking. Don't be thinking about what you are going to say while they're talking. Be interested in what they have to say, or at least act like you are.
If one of you spends the whole time talking, that's okay, just make sure the other person gets the same chance the next day. But don't continually dominate the conversation.
And don't do what my sons have to be continually reminded not to do...don't interrupt.
This time should be private, so send the kids to another room. Make sure they know what you are doing and that unless it's an emergency, to not interrupt you.
So you can pay attention, turn off the TV. And don't carry on the conversation standing around in the kitchen while cooking. If it does go past the 15 minutes, you can always continue the conversation while preparing dinner though.
It may be a little awkward at first, but don't give up. Don't be insecure about it and don't worry about what the other person might be thinking.
2) Date night.
That's right, go on a date with your spouse. Schedule some time, set up a babysitter, and go out with your spouse.
It's best to schedule this as a weekly event. But if your money or child circumstances don't warrant that, do it at least once every couple of weeks.
There are many things you can do. One great idea is going to a restaurant. That way you can continue practicing that conversation skill you've been learning. You could also go play miniature golf or go bowling.
If you can't go out at night, a lunch date is just as great. It may even be easier if your kids are in school. That's what my wife and I do.
Try not to make a habit of going to a movie every time, for that doesn't lend itself to much conversation.
If finances are an issue, go to Starbuck's or just to the park.
Act like you're dating again and actually hold hands. Men, open the door for your wives. Ladies, let him be chivalrous. And remember, you like each other.
Now go start your conversation time today, or tomorrow at the latest. If you're looking for something to start talking about where you both would like to go for your date night.
Finally, pray that God will bless your efforts and time together with your spouse. God loves you and your spouse. He wants you to have a GREAT marriage. the next part you'll learn how to build a proper foundation, so your marriage stands strong through the storms.
Have a great day and see you next time for Part 2.
On to victory!
David PeairsFounder,
P.S. - Don't forget, order the Marriage Success Keys Action Pack today! Support our mission to help marriages and improve your own marriage at the same time. Go to and be downloading your ebook package within the next few minutes.
P.P.S. - To get additional tips for success in marriage be sure to visit our blog at
P.P.P.S. - Feel free to pass this email along to a friend. If you've received a forwarded copy, you can get the entire 5 part eCourse at
© 2006-2008 David Peairs - All Rights Reserved
Yes, I know that was alot to read, but hopefully you pulled a few good nuggets of information from it. This week along with our topic we have 5 questions for you:
1. How long have you been married?
2. What is the best marriage advice you've ever received?
3. What has helped you through those bumpy times?
4. What's your favorite memory with your spouse?
5. What makes you feel loved the most, what is it your spouse does that just speaks volumes to you?
Also, there are a lot of good books out there that talk about marriage, it's trials and it's tribulations. Several are listed in our sidebar, all fiction, but all very good. Here are a few more:
1. Fireproof - Alex & Stephen Kendrick
2. Love & Respect - Emerson Eggerichs
3. Sheet Music - Dr. Kevin Leman
4. The 5 Love Languages - Gary Chapman
5. Now Your Talking My Language - Gary Chapman
6. The Love Dare - Alex & Stephen Kendrick
7. His Needs Her Needs - Willard F. Harley, Jr.
8. Break The Cycle Of Divorce - John Trent
9. Capture Her Heart- Lysa TerKeust
10. Capture His Heart - Lysa TerKeurst
I admit some of these I've read, some I have not. If you know of any other good books of recommendation on Marriage, please leave us a comment and let us know! Thank you so much for visiting us today. Tomorrow is Wordless Wednesday!!!
May God Bless you today and always,
Mom & Me
Monday, November 17, 2008
Musical Monday
My Mom also blogged for the first time yesterday!!! YEAH MOM!!! Welcome to the 21st century - you'll get the hang of it real soon. Your post was beautiful, heartfelt, and I pray everyone that reads it is touched by it. If you've not read mom's post yet, click here, and be sure to leave her a comment and encourage her to post more often! After all this was kinda her idea and her post was very uplifting.
Some of you have commented on the photo used for our background - don't it look so peaceful? I mentioned I might tell the story behind it - I'm not even sure if Mom has realized that she knows the place or not. You see a long time ago, before I got married and moved away, if Mom needed to talk to me, good or bad, we always went to this road side park just off 82 highway in Missouri. There is a rock stairwell that leads down to a rock bench (which is the photo used as our header) and we would walk down them stairs, one of us would sit there (usually me) and Mom would start talking. You might be there 10 minutes or 2 hours, but if Mom turned down 82 Hwy, you knew you were going to talk. The background photo of our blog is the view looking out from that location.
I'm not sure why Mom always chose there to talk, but I've never forgotten it. I've been there a few times on my own, just to be - I guess. There is a closeness you feel with God when you are surrounded by nature and beauty in which he has used to create it with is undeniable. Perhaps that's why we are drawn to the rock bench on 82 Hwy - we feel God there, no matter the news, good or bad.
Today is Musical Monday here at Slow News and what we are asking is for you to post the link to a song (as it will not allow you to post the video in the comments section) that has really spoke to you in your life and if you feel led to tell us, tell us why it has touched you so much. Please remember to list the title of the song as well. If you post the video to your own blog let us know and we will come by for a visit! We are going to create a play list for our visitors and friends of songs chosen by all of you! So that you can hear all the uplifting music when you visit and maybe even a few new songs.
The song I've chosen to post is very popular (in my book), but this song - was the song that played on the radio one day when I was actually driving on I-70 headed for Ohio from Missouri and realized that I couldn't do anything on my own, anymore. I need God more than I'd ever needed him in my entire life. I needed him to take control and drive, because I just could not do it. My life changed that day, in a drastic way, even though it took a while for me to realize just how much, God really was at work. It had been several years since I'd prayed, with all my heart and soul, and even still God didn't turn me away. This song will always be at the top of my list, because it was the first step toward the new creation in which God is creating in me.
May you all have a blessed day and we can't wait to hear what songs you post!
Jesus Take The Wheel by Carrie Underwood
Sunday, November 16, 2008
I'm Micki, Tonya's mom. This is my first experience with a blog so I'm not sure I know what I'm doing. But Tonya gave me specific instructions so may it will work.
Today is Sunday November 16th. I would like to talk a little about how life can get hard and even get you down at times. Sometimes it is hard to see how God could possibly working in the situation because it seems so hopeless and you feel helpless in it and we wonder, "Where are you Lord?" Ever felt like it would be really nice if he would just show up already and help you out? Boy do I know that feeling. It seems that our time is not usually God's time and I have learned that God does not get in a hurry. If I am in a difficult situation and I could use a little divine intervention, by the time the situation is worked out in whatever way it does and I have learned from it and grown from it I find myself sometimes thinking, "Lord I got the message a long time ago and you really didn't need take as long as you did to work this thing through." Sometimes it is hard to even know how to pray or what to say when you do. Does anyone relate to what I am saying here?
Lets talk about marraige for example. Talk about hard work. I don't think that most people who get married think much beyond the honeymoon. They start feeling all warm and fuzzy inside and the person they are going to marry seems so perfect and the few things they know of that kinda bothers them a little bit are so miner they are willing to overlook them and live with them. Most people don't realize that marraige is truely the hardest work they will ever do. So after the honeymoon is over and real life sets in they start to find out that this person has some serious faults that just drive them crazy. Then there is life itself, jobs, families, friends etc.... and before you know it maybe things start to unravel. Then we decide it would just be easier to cut our loses and go our seperate ways. But what about our marraige? What about how we felt on our wedding day? Can we forget so easily how much we loved this person? A lot of us do.
I have learned that love truely becomes a choice especially during the difficult times. I love my husband dearly, but he is not always easy to love. Many times I have asked myself why do I try so hard? Then God speaks up and says, "Because dear, I want you to." Then he also has a way of pointing out to me all of my own inperfections. Suddenly I am humbled and I know that this man is as much a part of me as a limb or an organ of my own body. The thought of not having him in my life would be as painful as having a major part of my own body removed. So no matter how hard times are I know I need him and God has put a love in my heart for him and he won't release me from it. Think about it, if a part of your physical body is causing you pain you are probably going to go to a doctor to try to find out what is wrong and what you need to do to make it better. Right? Lets say you are having Chest pain and you go to the doctor and it is determined that you have some blockage in a major artery. The doctor tells you that they can go into the artery and attempt to unblock it and with medication and a diet change and exercise you could go back to a productive life. Now that sounds easy enough doesn't it? Have you ever tried to change your eating habits, or to make exercise a part of your daily routine if it is something that you are not use to doing? Its not easy to change old habits. But most of us enjoy our lives and would make a very strong effort to make some serious changes no matter how tough it might be. Then there is also the ones who's heart is just diseased to the point that either there is nothing that can be done or maybe they might be a canidate for a heart transplant. If they can't or don't get the transplant their life is basically over and they will be meeting their maker in a very short time. But if they do get the transplant then what? Well there is always the possibility that their body will reject the new heart, and if it doesn't their life is going to be full of medications that will mean life or death to them, very strict guidelines on diet and exercise and probably many set backs. They will most likely experience depression, anxiety, and many times they will probably entertain thoughts like why did I do this? This is to much. I don't know how much more I can go through. But yet they keep fighting for their life.
No marraige is not easy. But if you don't forget the part of your vows that say through the good and the bad and you stick it out through the bad your reward will be well worth it. But if you decide it is just too hard and too much for you to deal with then your marraige will definetly die most likely a very painful death. Then what happens when you decide to try another one? Guess what you have brought everything that you never dealt with from you last marraige into the new one and your life may very likely reject it and if it doesn't there will probably be a lot more work into making it work then there would have been into keeping your first one healthy to begin with. I know that there are exceptions to every rule. If you are in an abusive situation definetly get some help and get away from it if at all possible. No one deserves to suffer abuse at the hands of their spouse. I don't believe for a minute that God sanctions that kind of relationship. But on the other hand I do believe that marraiges can survive through the worst of times. I know someone who is so very close to me that a few years ago that if I were a betting person I would not have betted so much as a penny on her marraige. I was certain it was over. There had been affairs, and pornography, and family problems that she had taken on that were not hers to take on, there was a financial mess, you name the problem this marraige had it. But I knew that divorce wasn't the answer there are also 2 little children involved that loved both their mom and dad and both of these people are excellent parents and everytime I would look at these beautiful children I would just cry because I didn't know how they would survive their parents mess. But somewhere along the line God showed up. These two people today are stronger than they have ever been in their commentment to each other and their family. They have such a love for each other and when you see them you wonder where did those broken messed up people go that I knew a few years ago. Because today they are absolutely beautiful together and they will tell you that God saved their marraige and their family. I have witnessed this marraige transformation and it is and ispiration to me, and I am very proud of these two people, and I love them both dearly. So don't be so quick to throw in the towel on your marraige you never know what rewards could be waiting for you if you make a choice to love your spouse even if you don't feel like it, make a choice to allow God work in your situation. It won't happen over night or in a week or even in a month. This couple that I am talking about got to where they are now through a slow and sometimes painful recovery. I believe this experience has made them strong enough to weather whatever storm comes next with a little more grace and less heartache. Because as long as marraige last there will always be times of trouble just like there will always be times of laughter, fun, and just plain romantic bliss. But you have to take the good with the bad and keep on loving your spouse and fighting for your marraige.
My husband and fifteen year old daughter and I went to see the movie Fireproof. Now my husband like I said at the beginning of this blog is not always the easiest person to love. He and I come from completely different backgrounds and we have a different set of morals and values. I am a christian and enjoy going to church and seeking God's direction for my life and My husband, well he is kind of hard and ruff around the edges and is not much on going to church and to my knowledge doesn't have a relationship with God, But I keep praying that one day he will and if anyone who reads this would say a prayer for him I wouldn't be offended in the least. He is mostly a master a masking his emotions. He is one of these big tough men that nothing bothers and men don't cry and well you get what I'm saying right? Well we went to see this movie. I did not tell him what it was about I just asked him to take us to a movie and he asked what I wanted to see and I said Fireproof. So here we are in the movie theatre and...... Oh my goodness did it start relating to us almost immediately. I couldn't stop the tears at certain times, and then other times I couldn't stop the laughter. But by the end of the movie I had a waterfall of tears running at will down my face and my husband had reached over and taken a hold of my hand and when I glance up at him I noticed that he had tears running down his face also and my little fifteen year old was also just a crying. I turned really quickly so he wouldn't notice that I saw his tears because I found it so precious that this big tough man could be brought to tears by the message in this movie. I knew then there was not only hope for our marraige but also hope for him to someday find a relationship with God.
Fireproof is #1 on my list of all time favorite movies. It is an absolutely outstanding movie. It has it all, action, humor, it has emotional moments, and spiritual moments. It will speak to your heart and your marraige. Not only is the movie entertaining it is truely a wonderful and awesomely great movie and its message is powerful. Every marraige should check out this movie.
Lord, Today I pray for marraiges. For people to remember their vows and the love they once felt for their spouse. I pray Lord that you give us the strength and humility to choose to love even when it doesn't feel so good to do so. Lord I just ask that you speak to the hearts of our marraiges and lead us to healthy counseling and strengthen us as individuals so that we can be better and stronger as a couple. Keep our hearts and our minds open and receptive to your leadership. It takes three strands of string braided together to make a strong rope and Lord I just ask today that you be the the third strand in our marraiges that makes us strong in you and as individual people, as couples, as parents, and as a family.
In Jesus name I pray.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Suddenly Saturday
As for today, on my side of the world - it flew by, course when you don't get out of bed til after 1030, that tends to happen. We went to the Base for the Christmas Bazarre, got a few Christmas gifts (including yours mom!) and then we went for ice cream at Baskin Robins. After we returned home we went next door and listened to a man play music and sing. It was very nice. Our daughter also played a few songs!
And now, just as quickly as it arrived, suddenly my saturday is gone. Goodnight all, and my God bless you!
Mom & Me
Friday, November 14, 2008
Featured Friday!

Her most recent blog: FIREPROOF-How strong is your marriage is very encouraging and uplifting. Which is exactly what we look for in our featured bloggers!
In another of her posts: FACING LIFE she tells us her heart after watching FACING THE GIANTS with her husband. I have seen this movie and I highly recommend it as well. Mom was the first to tell me about this movie and I've recommended it to everyone I know. It's one of thos movies I can watch 100 times and never get tired of it. It is an amazing story and what I find even more amazing is this church! These were not paid actors!! That just speaks volumes.
They have another movie called FLYWHEEL and it is a good movie. Facing the giants is even better, and so that leaves me believing that Fireproof will be by far their best yet and I don't even have to see it first - I already know I will be purchasing it. God has given these authors, actors, and the people involved in these movies an amazing talent and I am so thankful that they are sharing it with us! I can't imagine how many lives have been impacted by these books and movies. Praise God.
Her other chosen post to have listed today as our FB is: I Believe God is moving in Amber's life and she is sharing that with us. Isn't it wonderful?!
I do have the book FIREPROOF, Mom gave it to me before I left for England and I was going to read it one the plane, but just couldn't get into it. I'm positive it had nothing to do with the book. Have you ever been on a plane for 10 hours? Not comfortable! Not only that I've been rather lazy and waiting for the movie to come out on DVD, rather than reading the book. I left before it hit the theaters in the US and I can not wait to see this movie. Mom saw it and said she cried. I'm sure she'll add more later!
However, after reading Amber's post on the book itself I find myself encouraged to pick it up and give it another go. So I will be reading FIREPROOF this weekend and I will post a book review when I'm finished. Since I was so inspired and encouraged I gave Amber a blog award, please go and congradulate her. If you know of any blogs deserving this award, please let us know - as we will be looking!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Thankful Thursday
As mentioned I am a military wife and I am so thankful for my husband and what he does. He is a wonderful provider, even when he has to be gone from time to time. I've learned so much about our military and the military way of living that, there really is alot to be thankful for.
So today, if you see a man or woman dressed in uniform, take a moment to say Thank you and May God bless you. May we never forget to be thankful for them!
Mom & Me
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Veterans Day
This will be what we pray for on Wordless Wednesday - our soldiers, those who have gone before us, those we've lost, those we've loved, and those who are serving our country today.
In Christ Love,
Mom & Me
We are seeking Christians & Americans all over the world & asking that you set aside a day of the week & a specific time where you will stop what you are doing for a moment of silence & prayer for our country & God’s will to be done. We are suggesting Wednesday - Wordless Wednesday.
Our goals for this blog are simple:
- To get people praying together for our country as we feel it is something every Christian should do, no matter who the president.
- To bring Christians closer together.
- To educate each other on politics - if possible.
- To uplift and encourage one another.
- To stand up for the word of God.
As Americans & Christians we were built on In God We Trust & over time we have drifted further and further away from trusting in God. We’ve lost prayer in our Schools & we are told to keep our beliefs in God to ourselves so that we do not offend anyone. When it clearly states in the Bible to spread the good news. Without God what are we left with? Where is our foundation?
We stress that nothing will happen & this is not some email you forward. I know a lot of those are touching & meaningful, but lets face it we all get tired of forwards. This is a commitment of sorts. There are only 2 people who will know if your sticking to the commitment - you & God.
Our desire is not to start a political war here. However we will be researching from time to time & posting the facts in which we find to educate each on political things. I personally know I need an education in this. We would like you to participate in the research as well.
The more we are aware of things as Christians the better we know exactly what to pray for. We do need to understand and agree on exactly what we are praying for each week. The main subject: Our Country, but there are those sub lines as well. We encourage you to post your prayers if you so desire.
We also stress that it does not matter who you voted for, our president no matter who he is needs our prayers & we as Christians need him working under God’s leadership. The bible says to support your leaders but it also says not to go against God.
I am reminded of a song “What if Jesus comes back like that” by Collin Raye. I admit I’m not for Obama, the things I’ve heard go against my morals & values as a Christian. However, he is our president and as Christian & a military wife I and called to support him. My way of doing that is through prayer & my mother & I are simply asking you to join us.
I have no right to judge this man. I’ve heard so many negative things & I will always believe that somewhere out there people are still good! It feels like everyone could use some peace & there is only one place I know in which to receive the type peace we so hunger for…through Jesus Christ our Lord.
A lot of us, especially Mothers, no longer watch the news. We don’t enjoy it, it is stressful, & leaves us feeling depressed. Like the words in Terri Clark’s song, “everything good, is not bad enough for the front page”. So in addition to praying for our country & learning about politics, we are going to have a few specials added to this blog. This is how it will go:
Musical Monday - we want you to post a link to a musical video or song that you have found to be uplifting & encouraging and why. As you can tell I’m hooked on country music - so it doesn’t matter what type of genre of music, as long as it is uplifting.
Topical Tuesday - this is the day we request that you post your thoughts for a specific item in which to pray on. We will vote - via blogger polls & then the winning topic will be the topic in which we have all agreed to pray on during Wordless Wednesday.
Wordless Wednesday - our day of silence & prayer day. I will post a single photograph, if you have a photograph you’d like to see used - email me, & I just might use it.
Thankful Thursday - we request on this day that you post something that you are thankful for or how you have seen God in your life or those around you recently.
Feature Friday - We are looking for those stories that are uplifting, warm our hearts, that make us smile, maybe even shed a tear…the stories that once upon a time just might have been front page news.
Suddenly Saturday - boy the week flies by don’t it? On this day, when you have some down time we are asking that you stop in and visit the blogs listed in the blog roll as we build it up & get to know each other.
Sabbath Sunday - the day of rest.
As Christians we need to get the fire going within their souls, to stand hard & strong for our country, our families, our children, & most of all for the word of God in which we were built upon. We pray you will join us.
In Christ’s Love,
Mom & Me